July 23, 2017

A short story, Melbourne Writers Festival & Varuna

I have a new story in Review of Australian Fiction. It’s called Amy’s twin and it’s a kind of prequel to my novella, Formaldehyde. Review of Australian Fiction publishes two stories every two weeks in e-book form. My story is paired with Wayne Marshall’s The Magicians, which is a strange and funny book. These two stories are Volume 1 […]

July 26, 2016

Jump in the Lake

I haven’t been blogging much lately. It would be fairly ridiculous to think anyone would have noticed, but just in case you have it’s because I’ve been trying to finish a novel (I’m almost there) and write a few short stories.  Also, I haven’t had anything very thrilling to say. So apologies, but this is […]

May 18, 2016

Short story, short post

Hello, I have a new story out, on a website that lives somewhere on the internet. They are SlinkChunkPress, and my story is ‘The Last Idea’. Go here if you would like to read it.

November 30, 2015

Funny and ferocious

Oh g’day. I’ve been doing Nanowrimo for the last month and my brain is utterly fried. Honestly, I doubt I’ll ever do it again, I think my brain is too old and brittle to deal with this kind of pressure. I can barely remember what my name is. I can, however, remember to do some […]

August 3, 2015

Melbourne Writers Festival & an impersonation of Bob Brown

Want to see me on a stage at Melbourne Writers Festival? I’ll be posing as an author at two Melbourne Writers Festival events, a ‘Silver Screen Science’ session featuring the movie Outbreak, and a session with two of my favourite-ever co-panellists, Michael Green and James Bradley, talking about whether climate change is the new apocalypse […]

June 2, 2015

EWF & Letters to the West: a rant

Last week I did an event at the Emerging Writers Festival, called Letters to the West, where “The panel will reveal their relationship with the West through their missives. Will it be a love letter, a memory or a complaint? What does the West mean to them? Simply a location or an ideology, even a […]

April 22, 2015

Short story: We saw the same sky

My short story, We saw the same sky, published in the current Overland, is now online and free to read. I wrote the first draft of this story in response to a story prompt provided by the gorgeous small publisher, Tiny Owl Workshop. They were sourcing stories for an anthology, Unfettered (which I believe will be published soon), […]

April 20, 2015

Don’t mention the war

Anzac Day has been bugging me for years. This year I thought instead of annoying my friends with my incoherent ranting, I would try to get my ideas in order and write them down. I did. Then Overland saw fit to publish them, in the form of an article. If you’d like to read it […]

March 30, 2015

Get your hands on Overland

A short break for self-promotion: I have a story in the brand new issue of Overland. I’m very proud of this story. If you’d like to read it (there’s also a new story from Wayne Macauley, in case you need another incentive) you can get a single issue or subscribe at the Overland online shop. […]

September 11, 2014

When life gives you rejections

The Lane of Unusual Traders is a great project from Tiny Owl Workshop, a small publisher in Brisbane doing all kinds of interesting things with – in particular – illustrated speculative fiction. Chris White has created a world, the City of Lind, and writers have been encouraged to submit small stories which take place in this world. […]

March 21, 2014

World cloud for a novella I’m working on

Now I know who the main character is… [Thanks to Wordle]

April 26, 2013

In Registry

In Registry was first published by Sleepers in 2009 in the collection Sleepers Almanac 5. ‘Did I tell you about the time everyone on my train was reading the same book?’ I said, but Steve wasn’t listening. ‘I said,’ I said, and he told me he heard what I said but that there was never a […]

April 23, 2013

Instructions for an installation

Instructions for an installation was first published by Cardigan Press in 2003, in the collection ‘Normal service will resume’. Now ‘Here,’ he told me. ‘These are the taste buds for fear. These ones taste jasmine when it’s cold outside but the flowers think it’s warm. These ones are for the times while you wait for […]

A dynasty of square standers

A dynasty of square standers was first published by Vignette Press/Mini Shots in 2008. It later morphed into the novel, A wrong turn at the Office of Unmade Lists.   We set fire to the shrivelled Christmas tree and we squat by the edge of the basketball court to watch it burn. It’s starting to […]