
June 26, 2013

You can listen to me blather on the internet

thanks to 3CR, who have posted a podcast of me talking on ‘Published or Not’ about ‘A wrong turn’.

June 24, 2013

Lisa at ANZ Lit Lovers is good at reading

Despite the [unnecessarily] complex plot of Unmade Lists, Lisa at ANZ Lit Lovers has done a superb job of distilling the essence of the story. She says she doesn’t like dystopian novels, found it almost too bizarre and at times lost interest, but that she had to hang in there to find out what happens […]

SYNful cereal

I’m on the radio again tomorrow, Tuesday June 25. But you’ll have to be up early if you want to hear it. I’ll be on around 8.15am on SYN’s Get Cereal program, talking about Unmade Lists.

June 17, 2013

Talking about getting published

I’ll be on radio 3CR’s “Published or not” on Thursday June 20 at 11.30, talking about how my story got made into a book.

June 7, 2013

What I want to be when I grow up

The Wheeler Centre asked me a few questions about writing, editing and such like. You can read my answers here. The bit about working at Savers is true; the rest may be imaginary.

June 5, 2013

For those who don’t like anyone to know what they’re reading

Why yes, A wrong turn is available for your e-book reader, thank you for asking. Here it is.

June 3, 2013

Cameron Woodhead at The Age is not a fan

and laments my failure to work on novelistic hurdles. But he likes my embroidery!

May 31, 2013

“Endearing narrative” indeed: a lovely review from Readings

Ella Mittas has some lovely things to say. She reckons my narrator Caddy is “charming in her bluntness” for example; maybe something I should aspire to. More here.

Like banana lounges? I’m on Banana Lounge Broadcasting

Listen to me chat with Dave Graney and Elizabeth McCarthy on Triple R’s Banana Lounge Broadcasting at 1pm on Tuesday June 4. Well, if you want to, that is.

May 29, 2013

I look crazy in this photo

Which isn’t surprising, as my book sounds crazy too. Here’s a great write-up of ‘Unmade Lists’ from Ben Millar at the Maribyrnong Weekly.

Famous in the Footscray Star

The free local paper gives me a bit of a write up.

May 24, 2013


As seen at Readings Carlton. Such a strange feeling…

May 16, 2013

Launch of A wrong turn…

My first novel, “A wrong turn at the Office of Unmade Lists” will be launched on June 6, at 6.30pm, at the Sun Bookshop/Theatre in Yarraville. Come along! More info here.

April 26, 2013

In Registry

In Registry was first published by Sleepers in 2009 in the collection Sleepers Almanac 5. ‘Did I tell you about the time everyone on my train was reading the same book?’ I said, but Steve wasn’t listening. ‘I said,’ I said, and he told me he heard what I said but that there was never a […]

April 24, 2013

Speaking at the Wheeler Centre

I’m doing a Debut Monday at the Wheeler Centre at 6.15 on June 17. These little affairs are held at Moat, which has an excellent house sparkling wine. Worth is just for the wine, really. You can listen to me read from my novel while you drink.

April 23, 2013

Clunes Booktown Festival

I’m speaking on a panel at Clunes Booktown Festival at 11am on Saturday May 4.  The panel is called ‘Publishing Small, Thinking Big‘  it’s presented by the Small Press Network and along with Leah Swann and Balli Kaur Jaswal I’ll be talking about what it’s like to be published by a small publisher.

A wrong turn at the Office of Unmade Lists: published in June

Transit Lounge will publish my first novel, A wrong turn at the Office of Unmade Lists, in June 2013. There’s more information here.

Instructions for an installation

Instructions for an installation was first published by Cardigan Press in 2003, in the collection ‘Normal service will resume’. Now ‘Here,’ he told me. ‘These are the taste buds for fear. These ones taste jasmine when it’s cold outside but the flowers think it’s warm. These ones are for the times while you wait for […]

A dynasty of square standers

A dynasty of square standers was first published by Vignette Press/Mini Shots in 2008. It later morphed into the novel, A wrong turn at the Office of Unmade Lists.   We set fire to the shrivelled Christmas tree and we squat by the edge of the basketball court to watch it burn. It’s starting to […]