Bendigo Writers Fest is nigh

June 12, 2015

…and it looks pretty damn interesting – loads of great sessions over the weekend of August 7, 8 & 9, including an evening with Nam Le, a great panel on fantasy, writers and philosophers chatting about the ethics of writing and Dani Valent interviewing Matthew Evans about the good life.

Goodlife-242x300I’ll be appearing on two panels on the Sunday, ‘People I know’ and ‘A climate for change’.

People I know (12.30-1.30): Read Luke Carman, Jane Rawson and Nicholas Jose with care – these are fictions, remember! They talk with Kylie Mirmohamadi about how much their created characters rely on real people.

A climate for change (3-4pm): Some call it activist writing and dismiss it as ineffective. Others reckon writing about what matters to you is essential. With four different approaches to writing about climate, Iain McCalman, Alice Robinson, Anson Cameron and Jane Rawson talk to Gerry Gill.

The full program is now up at Bendigo Writers Festival and you should be able to buy tickets soon.

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  1. annabelsmith

    June 12, 2015 at 2:35 pm

    I love the word ‘nigh’ – I think it should be in common parlance eg ‘wine is nigh’.

    Enjoy the festival; I hope your panels, both as chair and writer, go swimmingly. I need to check out Alice Robinson’s book.

  2. whisperinggums

    June 16, 2015 at 1:48 pm

    All these great literary festivals that I don’t seem to get to. Your panels sound excellent, Jane. (BTW A friend of mine, involved in a group here called SEE-Change, is reading your book and enjoying it. I can’t always pick her taste so wasn’t sure, so am thrilled she’s enjoying it.)


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