What do you read when you’re all alone?

June 24, 2014

Hey there. I’m writing a pretty ridiculous article about toilet reading habits, and thought I’d introduce some scienciness by collecting responses to an entirely unscientific survey titled ‘what do you read in the toilet?’. This survey is, like, totes anonymous: I will not have even the vaguest idea who you are. So go on, fill it in, even if you don’t read in the toilet at all.

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  1. whisperinggums

    June 24, 2014 at 3:07 pm

    A serious (semi-serious survey) Jane? If so, you might want to check the link as I’ve tried it twice and the link failed. I got an error message. Not that I read in the toilet of course!

  2. Jane Bryony Rawson

    June 24, 2014 at 3:11 pm

    Oh how annoying! It’s still working for me. Will try to figure it out. I’ll put you down as a ‘I would never read in the toilet!’. (It’s only semi-serious, but I am writing an article on the topic and was curious to know others’ thoughts.)

  3. whisperinggums

    June 24, 2014 at 4:21 pm

    Ah, with that information I thought I’d check it in Firefox. It worked there – clearly a disconnect with Safari which is my browser. I had a look and can’t really answer it! I have in the past read in the toilet but not, since I had kids! I think motherhood taught me to get through tasks like that quickly!! (You can read in that what you will but the point is that I never really hang around enough to find time to read. When I did – back in the distant past – it was mostly magazines.)

  4. Jane Bryony Rawson

    June 24, 2014 at 4:22 pm

    Magazines have had a poor showing in the rankings, I must say. Newspapers are out of favour too. It’s all facebook nowadays.

  5. annabelsmith

    June 24, 2014 at 11:41 pm

    Haha! I’m a little bit highbrow in the loo – I sometimes keep my copy of The Paris Review in there. More often though, I check Twitter. And I even tweet from the loo which is pretty gross when you think about it. Imagine if there was an app that revealed where people were and what they were doing while they wrote a tweet – it might change the tone of the tweet somewhat! If I’m reading an amazing novel I’ll take it with me to the loo, just for some peace and quiet!

  6. Jane Bryony Rawson

    June 25, 2014 at 7:44 am

    I’m still hoping someone did this quiz while in the loo. Perhaps someone will read my loo-reading article while loo-reading…

  7. Scottish Reader

    November 17, 2014 at 5:38 am

    At the moment it is the Female Eunuch, it was Margaret Atwood a few years ago.

    My former flatmate claims it is a disgusting habit (reading in the loo, not reading somewhat feminist books)


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