What to expect when you’re expecting a book: #7 social media

July 21, 2017

This is our last post for ‘What to expect when you’re expecting a book’, and we thought we’d finish up with an ode to the thing that brought Annabel and me together: social media. Thanks for having us, and look out for a new series Annabel is going to run about how to make money as an author.



Does an author need to be on social media? I’m an author, and I’m all over social media, but my answer is emphatically ‘no’.

Let me rephrase that. Your publisher might have told you you need to be on social media because it’s your responsibility to use Facebook, twitter, Instagram, Pinterest to market your book. Do you need to be on social media to sell books? No. If you’re on social media will it help you sell books? Mostly, no. Like, 98% no.

I love social media. I particularly love twitter. I’m going to focus on twitter because it’s what I know most about (I don’t use my Facebook for writer stuff except to publicise events to people who are my friends anyway; I never use my Instagram for writer stuff; I’ve stopped using Goodreads, if that counts as social media).

Twitter has massive pros and massive cons for writers, and getting it to be more-good-than-bad is a constant struggle.

The cons

janetwitterIt is a phenomenal time suck. It is a huge distraction. It is built for procrastination. If you follow more than 1000 people that feed will keep giving new hits of info every few seconds for the rest of your life. It is incredibly hard to resist.

It is infuriating. If you let yourself, you will be outraged by one thing or another every single day. You’ll feel huge waves of righteous fury and you’ll likely do nothing about any of them that makes any difference at all.

It is also (this is not scientific) bad for the author brain. I should say this with a caveat – it’s bad for the kind of brain that writes the kind of books I do. When I write I need to go deep into my mind, I have to be brave, I have to be OK with being unlikeable. My twitter persona is the exact opposite of that – shallow and approval-seeking. Switching from one mode to the other is very hard (though I have found that a nap, a bout of meditation, or half an hour spent knitting can all help reset the twittering mind a little).

Without twitter, I think I would write longer, deeper books and I would write them sooner and more frequently.

The pros

Twitter is the best place for book chat and chat with book people. There are so many authors wasting time on twitter that you can always find someone to waste time with. You can talk about craft problems, about emotional problems, about whatever ridiculous celebrity you have a crush on, about whether literary fiction is a genre or the default novel. You can make the kinds of connections that, let’s face it, can help to inch your tiny little career forward just a little bit further. You can make friendships that last half an hour or years. If there are no other writers in your real-world life, writers on twitter can make all the difference for your happiness. These connections might be the thing that keep you writing.

I met Annabel on the internet. Annabel used social media platform Goodreads to give my first novel a one-star rating. Normally I don’t care much if people don’t like my books, but Annabel seemed like someone who _should_ like my books. So I made friends with her on twitter because I was curious. Turns out Annabel hates all kinds of books and that one-star rating was actually pretty generous. Annabel and I live on opposite sides of the country and we have met each other only once, but thanks to twitter I reckon she is one of my best writer friends. And she is one of many – some who I know in real life, most who I don’t – who’ve helped me through tricky times, given me a laugh, let me talk about Middlemarch or cricket or bitch about that Booker prize winning book I hated.

The sales

To that 2%. If you go onto twitter trying to sell a book, it makes sense you won’t sell that book. You don’t go up to people on the street and say ‘hello I am here to sell my book will you buy it’. But sometimes all those friends you make while wasting time over years and years add up to book sales. They like you – they think they might like your book too. Or they feel obliged to buy it. Or they tell their friends that oh they know you and maybe they should read your book! Or they don’t. They might not. They probably won’t. But it’s still pretty great you made all those friends, right?

Jane is on twitter at @frippet



If I read a book and love it, the very first thing I do is Google the author. If you do this too, it answers the question of why authors should be on social media – because being on social media gives you a modicum of control over what people see when they Google you. Having a website, in particular, enables you to direct an interested reader to what you want them to see next: something about your writing process, perhaps, that might add value to the experience of someone who has just read your book, or an introduction to other things you’ve written, or a really insightful interview someone did with you.

Or perhaps someone wants to get in touch with you to tell you how much they loved your book. Yes! This actually happens! (People also get in touch to tell you why they didn’t love your book, but haters gonna hate, and they would find a way to do this anyway, even if you weren’t on social media).


If a writer can’t be found anywhere on social media, I find it slightly frustrating. I WANT MORE. At the same time, I respect why people choose not to go on social media (especially Facebook for whom privacy is something to chew up and spit all over your face) because it takes time away from writing and living, and is, in the overall scheme of things, fairly meaningless.

However, as Jane said, it can be enormous fun. I’ve met the best people on Twitter, in particular, and some of those relationships have turned into real life relationships which have enriched both my life and my writing life. For example, I have exchanged novel drafts for feedback with Jane, and with Ryan O’Neill; Jane and I have collaborated on this series. Neither of those things would have happened if it weren’t for Twitter.

Social media is not an all or nothing proposition. You don’t have to be on all the platforms, all the time. It is better to be dynamite on one platform than to be mediocre on five. Start with one, and when you’ve got the hang of it, add another if you want to. No one platform is BEST for all writers – they all have pros and cons, so have a play and find the ones that work for you. If you like to waffle on, like me, blogging is fun; if you prefer to keep it short and sweet, Twitter is brilliant and has led, for me, to opportunities including being asked to speak on panels or deliver workshops, and being commissioned to write articles. If you’re a visual person, you might like Instagram. Goodreads is all about books and a great place to record what you read, but if you’re an idiot like me, you might make the mistake of a) taking their ratings system seriously, (where 1 = ‘I didn’t like it’ regardless of whether that means fine but not my bag, or worst trash on the planet), and b) thinking no one ever reads your reviews anyway so you can just go for it, and therefore potentially mortifying someone who might have turned out to be a fantastic pal and writing compadre (see above).

Does social media sell books? In a roundabout way, maybe.

It is nice to think the process goes like this: You post about your book = someone buys it.

But the reality is more like this: You post about someone else’s book + you get into a conversation with a 2nd person about that book + a 3rd person who follows the 2nd person joins the conversation + you & the 3rd person follow etc other & have many conversations over time + the 3rd person eventually sees your book at the library & reads it & likes it & writes a post about it + a 4th person who follows the 3rd person buys your book.

Social media: perhaps the least effective, but most enjoyable form of marketing ever invented.

Annabel is on twitter at @AnnabelSmithAUS


Tales from other authors

Neither Annabel nor I has the vaguest idea how to go about using Pinterest, but it turns out quite a few other authors use it with a great deal of success (I do know some who just use it to make ‘mood boards’ for the thing they’re working on, which seems like a pretty good idea to me). Natasha Lester is an ace Pinterester, so we asked her how she uses it and why.


I mainly use Pinterest to get more traffic to my blog posts. I was skeptical when someone told me Pinterest could drive eyeballs to a website but it actually works! The most important thing is to have good content in your blog post obviously, but then to design a quick and easy graphic to go with your posts in something like Canva. I have no graphic design skills whatsoever but Canva’s templates make it easy for even someone like me to make a reasonable enough graphic. This graphic is what I pin to Pinterest, and it goes up with a link to the blog post.

Because Pinterest is also a really big search engine, people are there looking for things to read as well as images. So anyone who is attracted by perhaps the headline in my graphic can then click through to read the blog pst and will hopefully spend some time on my website. It’s just another way to reach people who may not be on Facebook or Twitter and it actually drives more traffic to my website than Twitter does.

My blog is kind of the heart and soul of my website so anything I can do to get people to read it is a good thing! Each fortnight I send out a newsletter which will have links to my blog posts for the last 2 weeks. The newsletter also has info about courses I’m teaching, events, links to other interesting articles on the web, info about what I’m working on etc but it’s those blog posts that I work the hardest on and are what’s most important to me (and hopefully my readers!). I’m a writer, so I figure I might as well use those skills by writing things other than novels that people might be interested in reading and which can help keep them engaged with me on a more regular basis than a once a year book launch!

One author who has sold a bunch of books and won more than a few prizes is Charlotte Wood. Charlotte has also been addicted to social media, entirely sworn off social media, and an occasional user of social media. We asked her which way of living is best.

I used to be absolutely in love with social media. For a time it was really essential to me. In about 2009 (I think) I joined Twitter and fell head over heels in love with it. I loved the wit, the companionship, the clever, nice people I met there, and the fact that whenever I felt lonely or bored, there was always someone to play with. Twitter seemed to me to be the perfect thing for introverted word-nerds. Wordplay, cleverness with language, a sense of community with like-minded people – I loved it all.


The first time I ‘left’ Twitter in 2014 was because I felt I needed my quiet, private writing brain back. And the growing tide of a) hostility and b) salesmanship just started depressing me. I never got much direct aggression but I saw a huge amount of it, especially toward women who were in any way politically active, and I found it extremely upsetting. But almost as draining was the endless spruiking. I was absolutely as guilty as anyone else in this, but it began just feeling fake and depressing.

As soon as I left, a feeling of great peace and privacy came swooping in. Then when my book was done, I was ready to play again, and if I’m honest, I also was afraid nobody would hear about my new book if I wasn’t back on social media – but the love had pretty much gone out of it. I now just found it incredibly boring. I also realised I had begun to despise my ‘public’ social media self – my need to please or to impress or be witty or likeable, my impulse to say something at every turn about every horrible world event or Q&A insult. I slowly understood I was taking part in a disturbing kind of clubbiness on Twitter, where I found myself vocalizing support or criticism of whoever the current outrage target was, as a way of signalling (and maintaining) my membership of the club.

I realised that almost nobody I hung out with and respected in my professional life had ever been on Twitter. The contemporary writers and independent thinkers I most admired and wished to emulate were almost completely absent from any social media at all. For writers, who like to see ourselves as such independent thinkers, there is a hell of a lot of groupthink going on in social media.

For me now, it all comes back to the writing, and the privacy and energy I need to do it. Once I realised how much my social media use was sucking my time and writing energy, and even worse, beginning to infect how I thought about my work as I was making it – second-guessing whether this or that idea/character/plotline might offend the arbiters of what was acceptable, I just knew I had to get out altogether. My life is just far more serene and I am a much saner person without the obsessive level of social media use I once had, as well as having a lot more time on my hands.

I think it’s pretty clear that the idea that being on social media is necessary to sell books as a literary novelist is absolute bullshit. Even if a publisher tells you it’s true, I don’t believe it is. It’s really, really easy for a publisher or marketing director to suggest you must be on social media – there’s absolutely no cost to them, so why would they care how much of your time and energy and emotional well-being it takes? There is simply no way of really telling what sells books other than one reader urging another to read it.

For me, after writing seven books and editing two anthologies, I honestly feel that my next book will either sell itself or it won’t. I would really, really love to think that my last novel sold well because it was a better book than the others. Because that is the only damn thing any of us has control over: how well we write. To me this is an incredibly liberating thought: that all my energy should go into writing the best book I can, and the gods (not social media) will decide whether or not anyone wants to read it.

Previously in ‘What To Expect’…

Issue #1: Getting a blurb

Issue #2: Book Launches

Issue #3: Publicity

Issue #4: Prizes

Issue #5: Festivals

Issue #6: Feelings

JaneRecently my fourth book – a novel – was published. I’m with a small independent publisher, and they’ve previously published another novel of mine, and a non-fiction book about climate change that I co-authored with an environment journalist. My other book, a novella, was published by a different, even smaller independent publisher. None of my books has been published outside Australia, and I’m not represented by an agent.

Annabel: I published my first two novels with small independent publishers. My second novel was sold by my West Australian publisher to a small(ish) independent publisher in the US, where it has gone on to sell more than 60,000 copies. My third book, an interactive digital novel/app was self-published. I am currently in talks with a North American agent in relation to my fourth novel, the first in a trilogy.

No Comments

  1. Conor

    July 21, 2017 at 10:41 am

    So if I tell an author that I like her book should I then tell her if I was less taken by a later or earlier book I then read based on my liking of the first? I notice Annabel talking of people getting in touch to say they hated a book. ‘hate’ is strong; sometimes I just think it has not worked as well as hoped.

    But do you need this? I appreciate that writing is hard, and you need to be encouraged to keep going.

    • annabelsmith

      July 21, 2017 at 11:23 am

      No! Definitely do not write to an author to tell them that you liked one of their books less than the one that you made you read the second one! That is super discouraging. I think in this case, better not to write to them at all.

  2. Lisa Hill

    July 21, 2017 at 11:23 am

    I must admit I was very taken aback by that one-star at Goodreads… which shows that we should always be very careful about the image we present of ourselves in social media. We used to say to the kids at school, if you wouldn’t say or do it face-to-face or be happy with what you’ve said or done being announced at assembly in front of everyone you know (which in primary school usually includes parents and often grandparents too, and enemies as well as friends of course, plus teachers who do or don’t know you very well), then don’t put it on social media. Anyway, I’m glad it turned out well between you two in the end!
    I’m not a writer looking for sales, I’m a reader/reviewer looking for good books to read. I do look for an author’s web presence when they’re new to me (or new to everyone else as well, in the case of debut authors) but it doesn’t go beyond a Google search, and I’m not looking for a Twitter or Facebook account because they are a waste of my time. I’m looking for a blog or website or a profile on their publisher’s website that tells me if there are other books they’ve written, where they hail from and whether there’s another book in the pipeline, because I can use that in my review. Sometimes they have links to where their books can be bought and that can be useful too. If the blog turns out to be interesting, I follow it and I have bought plenty of books that have come to me that way (though I know I’m not typical in that regard, and mainly, these days, I buy books that other litbloggers have reviewed).
    But I know that the readers of my blog often want more than skeleton info: they love my Meet an Aussie Author series because they like to know more about the authors I’m blogging about. And I also know that the people who follow me on my FB page, Twitter, Library Thing and Goodreads come through from there to read my reviews so I always announce my new reviews there because I want people to come by and hopefully be interested in the book and buy it! (And because I have an affiliation with Fishpond, I know for sure that many people do indeed buy books that they’ve read about on my blog).
    I suspect that most of us have, like Charlotte Wood, wasted an enormous amount of time on social media and also found that it can be a toxic experience that actually negatively affects how we view the world and behave. These days, I spent less than 20 minutes a day there…which gives me more time for my real friends and family, and for the things I really want to do.

    • annabelsmith

      July 21, 2017 at 11:28 am

      Oh, I’m still so mortified by that one star review! Jane is certainly a bigger person than I am, which I am enormously grateful for. I think you’re wright in saying that other social media like Twitter and Goodreads can be a way to direct people to a more ‘serious’ space like a website/blog. Interestingly, I’d say most of the books I read now come through Twitter recommendations, though there was a time when I read a lot of blogs and got my recommendations that way. I find I go through phases. Lit blogs like yours and Whispering Gums are fantastic though, and you do an amazing job of supporting Australian writing. Less than 20 minutes a day is about how much time I spend and it keeps it in balance.

      • Lisa Hill

        July 21, 2017 at 11:39 am

        *chuckle* Ah well, you are not alone, we have all done mortifying things on SM and lived to regret it, but if you watch that TED talk by Monica Lewinski, it will put it in perspective:) Do you have another book in the pipeline?

        • annabelsmith

          July 21, 2017 at 11:42 am

          Hahaha, great life hack – when embarrassed compare yourself to someone who has done something truly embarrassing and much more public! I am working on a series, it’s a kind of contemporary take on an epic quest, involving animal experimentation, human experimentation, a pandemic and later a cult! I am having a huge amount of fun with it. But it will be ages yet before it’s out in the world. Thanks for asking.

          • Lisa Hill

            July 21, 2017 at 11:43 am

            ROTFL, aaagh, that’s not what I meant! (See, that’s how easy it is to say the wrong thing!!)

  3. Rebecca Freeman

    July 21, 2017 at 11:51 am

    I can really identify with what Charlotte had to say about social media. I’ve had breaks from Twitter and I do feel like I’m a much more serene person without it, and it absolutely gives me more time in my day. I find it hard to keep a balance when I’m on Twitter because I’m so easily distracted, especially when I’m writing, and Twitter is made for the easily distractable.

    On the question of reviews and books, I’ve been meaning to tell Jane how much I loved From the Wreck. I bought it before we went to the UK on holiday and I really enjoyed it. I remember you saying that your books aren’t published outside Australia, so instead of bringing it home with me, I took it to a second-hand bookshop in the hopes that it will travel around England a little, and who knows where it might end up?

    • annabelsmith

      July 21, 2017 at 11:58 am

      From the Wreck is brilliant! And no, I am not just saying that to make up for giving A Wrong Turn one star! Love that you left it in the UK for an adventure on distant shores.

    • Jane Bryony Rawson

      July 23, 2017 at 5:58 pm

      Thank you so much, Rebecca! And sorry for the tardy reply – I was in hiding, writing a book (but still couldn’t keep off Twitter…). I think you’re so right though: my brain on Twitter is much scattier than it was before I ever knew about it.

  4. suewilliams999

    July 21, 2017 at 12:45 pm

    This has been such a wonderful series – thank you Jane and Annabel. I’ve read them all in a lurker-ish manner – I’ve often thought about commenting and now finally summoning the courage… I’m useless at social media – I use Twitter and Facebook (barely) and it’s torture thinking of anything to say. On the rare occasion I say something, I instantly want to edit or delete it. To be honest, it’s energy that would be better directed into my writing – I could really relate to Charlotte’s wise words. But. Having said all that, I did buy Formaldehyde as a result of ‘meeting’ you on Twitter, Jane (I’m a few pages in and liking it a lot). So there you go, social media sells books! Maybe…

    • Jane Bryony Rawson

      July 23, 2017 at 5:59 pm

      I completely agree that if you don’t enjoy social media, you shouldn’t do it. If it’s torture, don’t bother. I’m so glad you bought Formaldehyde though, and I hope you enjoy it. Thanks Sue!

  5. wadholloway

    July 24, 2017 at 10:04 am

    I think I started following Jane’s blog after her brilliant anti-war essay 2 or 3 years ago and from there started reading, and loving, her books. So there’s a clue: write political essays and the readers will come. Maybe.

  6. Robert Lukins

    July 24, 2017 at 1:11 pm

    It’s been a genuinely fantastic and helpful series – thanks Jane and Annabell!

    See you on the twits. (urgh, note to self: never refer to it as the twits).

    • annabelsmith

      July 24, 2017 at 1:13 pm

      Thank you, Robert. Really appreciate you taking the time to read and cheer us on. Glad to hear it’s been helpful.

  7. Glen Hunting

    February 3, 2018 at 9:27 pm

    I am waaaaaay behind the eight-ball with my reply to this thread, but all your words are as far-reaching and as well-considered as they were more than six months ago. As a temporarily errant, life-long reader and writer, as well as a cautiously hopeful future professional practitioner, thank-you to all of you who offered your observations here. 🙂


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