April 24, 2017

From the Wreck in the papers

What a big weekend my small book had over Easter, with reviews in the Fairfax papers (SMH/Age/Canberra Times) and the Weekend Australian. Adam Rivett at Fairfax said “[the limits of genre] make Jane Rawson’s new novel all the more striking – two paths are likewise drawn, yet the fences that might divide them do not hold. Instead, […]

April 22, 2017

What to expect when you’re expecting a book: #3 Publicity

An offer to an author from a publishing house consists of two key elements: first, the advance on royalties they’re prepared to pay you, and second, their marketing plan. It is easy to focus on the money, but the marketing and publicity is arguably just as—if not more—important. In theory, pre-release publicity begets buzz which […]

April 9, 2017

What to expect when you’re expecting a book: #2 The launch

Annabel Smith and I are writing a series on what to expect when your first book comes out – all those questions you’re too embarrassed to ask your publisher, answered here! Part 2 is about the launch. Will your publisher throw you one? Do you even need one? What’s it going to cost and will […]

April 7, 2017

Some From the Wreck media

I’m just going to put these here so I can find them later…. Over the past couple of weeks, From the wreck has been reviewed in: Australian Book Review – Fiona Wright said it was ‘a deeply ecological novel…fascinating for its hybridity, its willingness to bend and blend genres – as well as perspectives and worlds. […]