Jump in the Lake

July 26, 2016

I haven’t been blogging much lately. It would be fairly ridiculous to think anyone would have noticed, but just in case you have it’s because I’ve been trying to finish a novel (I’m almost there) and write a few short stories.  Also, I haven’t had anything very thrilling to say.

So apologies, but this is a self-promotion post to tell you I’ve got a new short story out this week, and another coming out in September, and I’d be delighted if you would read them.


The first is in Review of Australian Fiction. It’s called ‘Lake’ and if you thought ‘The Last Idea’ was too creepy then probably you shouldn’t read it. As well as being creepy it’s also pretty bloody weird, so I’d be really interested to know if you could even make sense of it. On top of that, it’s definitely the story I’m proudest of – it nearly broke my brain writing it, and when I was re-reading it the other day I realised it’s an inadvertent tribute to my literary hero, Edith Campbell Berry.

RAF_VOL19_ISS_2You can either buy this individual issue, which also features a story by my ace pal and co-conspirator Rose Michael, or you can subscribe (once the RAF site is repaired) and get a whole bunch of issues. Review of Australian Fiction comes out twice a month, each issue is two stories (one by an ‘established’ and one by an ‘emerging’ author), and you can download it to all your standard digital devices, including Kindle. They publish all kinds of stories from the most literary of realist fiction to the kind of nuts stuff that Rose and I write.

My second story will be in Funny Ha-Ha, a newish Australian print magazine that publishes, you guessed it, funny stuff. Australian literature is tragically low on funny stuff, but Funny Ha-Ha is doing its utmost to rectify the situation. The magazine is self-funded by its editor, so if you want to help make sure the September issue actually comes out, you can pre-order a copy here (they have stickers too).

(The image is of Lake Kaindy in Kazakhstan – you can read about it here.)

No Comments

  1. MST

    July 27, 2016 at 2:27 pm

    I noticed (that you’d gone quiet). Glad it was for good reasons – well done you!


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