May 26, 2015

Another adventure in reading

You might’ve noticed I started up a readathon, Just Read, to raise money for the Indigenous Literacy Foundation (because it irks me there are people in Australia who don’t get the chance to read). You can sign up to read or sponsor an existing reader. You might also know I’ve pursued a few different tactics […]

May 20, 2015

A few appearances

Festival season is kicking off and I’m celebrating by getting on some stages and saying some stuff. For starters, I’ll be at Emerging Writers Festival, Footscray Edition, on Thursday May 28 reading a ‘Letter to the West’. Then, a little bit later on, I’ll head down to Williamstown for a panel on writing about the […]

May 11, 2015

Some people don’t get to read, and that sucks

If you’ve ever read this blog before you know how much I love reading. In fact, if you read this blog I’m guessing you love reading too. I am incredibly lucky: I was born in a home where books where everywhere and reading was valued. My parents read to me and encouraged me to read […]

May 1, 2015

What did I learn from TBR20? (Spoiler: I don’t know)

Books are consumer goods, just like dresses or DVD box sets or surround sound systems or these things. Making them consumes non-renewable resources, no one ever bothers asking what conditions are like in the places where they’re made, and masses of fossil fuels are used to ship them around the world. And like fashion, books can be […]