November 25, 2014

Want a free book?

I have a lot of books I’ve read and will never read again, or I thought I was going to read but still haven’t got around to. Would you like one of them? Here’s the deal. If you want one of the books below, let me know in the comments (first in best etc), and […]

November 17, 2014

What apocalypse? A Q&A with ‘The Ark’ author Annabel Smith

I love apocalypses. In the ’80s I spent sleepless night after sleepless night worrying about whether the submarine information relay tower near my house would be a Russian nuclear target. I ruined a family holiday to New Zealand with my relentless insistence Mount Tongariro would erupt from dormancy (I was right, but 32 years ahead of […]

November 16, 2014

So much underrating

Last week my book, A wrong turn at the Office of Unmade Lists, won Small Press Network’s ‘Most Underrated Book Award’ – you can read about it here if such a thing takes your fancy. It’s a funny award, but also important. Loads of good books are completely overlooked by reviewers and readers, not because they’re […]

November 6, 2014

A collection of bits & pieces on the Most Underrated Book award

A couple of weeks ago, A wrong turn at the Office of Unmade Lists was shortlisted for the Small Press Network’s ‘Most Underrated Book‘ award. It was most-delighting news and apparently I pretty much forgot to blog about it. To make up for that, here are some things you can read on other sites about the […]