June 27, 2014

And the results are in

No, not the Miles Franklin, the answers to my survey about what people read while using the toilet. The unedited graphs are below. As to what people read when they have gastro, you’re all very funny: ‘The book of Job’; ‘Any News Ltd publication. I already have the shits and feel physically ill, so I […]

June 24, 2014

What do you read when you’re all alone?

Hey there. I’m writing a pretty ridiculous article about toilet reading habits, and thought I’d introduce some scienciness by collecting responses to an entirely unscientific survey titled ‘what do you read in the toilet?’. This survey is, like, totes anonymous: I will not have even the vaguest idea who you are. So go on, fill […]

June 18, 2014

When should you give up?

Before you get published, getting published is the most exciting thing that could ever possibly happen to you. And then when you get published, it is. Being published feels like the opening of a magical door. You’re in. You’re an author. Your book is in bookshops, it sits there in the same place as Middlemarch […]

June 9, 2014

Passing the baton: a blog hops to Yvette Walker and Alex Landragin

Thanks so much to Yvette Walker – author of the utterly gorgeous, if you haven’t read it yet you should really get on with it ‘Letters to the End of Love’ – for joining in the ‘Writing process blog hop’. You can read her entry at her Facebook page. Here’s a taster: Every writer has […]

June 2, 2014

Can Climate Change Fiction Succeed Where Scientific Fact Has Failed?

Here’s me on the Wheeler Centre’s ‘Dailies’ page… Last month, threeseparatescientific papers came to the same conclusion: the West Antarctic ice sheet is melting, and it’s too late for us to reverse the process. If you heard the news you’d have realised, at an intellectual level, that we’re in serious trouble and something needs to be done. […]