February 28, 2014

The competition: Lexicon by Max Barry

This is surely the favourite for the SF section of the Aurealis Awards. Lexicon made Time magazine’s list of the best ten books of 2013, NPR’s list of the same and the New York Times’ best summer reads. More than 3000 people have reviewed it on Goodreads. And it is an undeniably ripping read. My […]

February 21, 2014

The competition: Trucksong by Andrew MacRae

Fear is defeated by understanding, right? Right. So I’m reading the books of everyone else who was shortlisted in the science fiction category of the Aurealis Awards. So far it’s not making me any less scared. Review number one is of Andrew MacRae’s ‘Trucksong’: read it here.

February 17, 2014

Chapter One of ‘A wrong turn at the Office of Unmade Lists’

Harry was Caddy’s settling down. She settled into him like a pillow on the couch, a blanket pulled over her, and footy on the TV, falling asleep by three-quarter time on a Friday night. He was knowing that everything would be OK; he was kissing goodbye for a little too long before heading out to […]

February 16, 2014

Australian Women Writers challenge 2014: not that hard

So this year I thought I’d take part in the Australian Women Writers challenge which is, thankfully, a reading rather than a writing challenge. I realised that last year I read 13 Australian women writers without even trying, so thought I’d promise to read 10 this year. It’s not even February and i’m through five […]

I am officially Sci-Fi

I could not be more stoked to have been short-listed for the Aurealis Award for best Science Fiction novel of 2013. Thanks, Aurealis! I feel pretty privileged to have “Wrong Turn” listed as a sci-fi book, and proud I held my fake universe together well enough that someone thought it worthy of inclusion. Hoping to […]