Lisa at ANZ Lit Lovers is good at reading

June 24, 2013

Despite the [unnecessarily] complex plot of Unmade Lists, Lisa at ANZ Lit Lovers has done a superb job of distilling the essence of the story. She says she doesn’t like dystopian novels, found it almost too bizarre and at times lost interest, but that she had to hang in there to find out what happens to:

lost, lonely, self-deprecating Caddie – trying so hard to live some kind of a meaningful life despite her bereavement and the horrible state of this future Melbourne

Thanks for the great review, Lisa.

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  1. Lisa Hill

    June 24, 2013 at 6:38 pm

    Hi Jane
    I’m not sure that you should concur with the idea that the plot is unnecessarily complex: you have good editors there at Transit Lounge, and as publishers they are much more familiar with the genre than I am. They would have helped you tidy it up if they thought it was necessary.
    Readers are all different – what works for one might not work for another, and vice versa. I suspect that people who love speculative fiction will love your novel, and they won’t think the plot is too complicated.
    But me, I just loved Caddie *smile* and I think she will be in my thoughts for a long time because she transcends the time and place she’s situated in. She made me think of people bereaved in all kinds of disasters, and my heart ached for her. Her voice, and those of the others around her were so authentic
    You have a gift with characterisation – do keep writing!

  2. Lisa Hill

    August 25, 2013 at 1:31 am

    Lovely to see your book on sale at the Melbourne Writers’ Festival today – I hope it’s selling well:)

    • Jane Bryony Rawson

      August 25, 2013 at 4:51 pm

      Yes, I’m reading on the morning of the 30th, in some pretty hot company. Thanks for noticing it!

      • Lisa Hill

        August 25, 2013 at 5:05 pm

        What a pity it’s a Friday when I’m at school *pout*


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